Problem Behavior Modification

Dogs exhibit habits and behaviors that are both positive and negative. Some behaviors are part of normal growth and development such as chewing these behaviors may naturally disappear as a dog matures, but in some cases to be able to persist in a dysfunctional way if you understand how the pattern of behavior was imprinted you can correct the problem behaviors by deprinting and reprinting them. Correction should take place in the act whenever possible or the dog should be taken back to the scene of the crime.

The first thing that you must understand is that “a dog is a dog is a dog and not a human.” In order to modify problem behavior you must think and act like a dog and leave out the emotions. Dr. Pawsitive always tells his students that emotions are what got them into the situation. Also, Dr. Pawsitive let’s his students know that he is not saying that they can’t love their dogs. He helps and understand that their dogs must have rules, regulations, limitations,and boundaries.